Lowenstein & Weatherwax LLP obtained six additional non-institutions on behalf of Entropic Communications, LLC.   The Patent Trial & Appeal Board denied institution petitions for inter partes review brought by Comcast Cable Communications, LLC (IPR2024-00433, -00434, -00436, -00437, -00439, -00440), challenging Entropic’s US 9,210,362, 11,381,866, or 11,399,206 patents.  These non-institutions follow a string of non-institutions secured by L&W in separate IPR challenges brought by Comcast and other third parties.  To-date, L&W has secured non-institutions in ten IPRs it has handled on behalf of Entropic.  The L&W team in all six matters was led by Nathan Lowenstein, Parham Hendifar, and Kenneth Wang.